Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Barren Altars

In preparation for my new ministry, I have been reading on the subjects of revival and evangelism. One of the books I am reading is Leonard Ravenhill's Why Revival Tarries. This is the third time I have read this book. The first time I read it was during my first semester at seminary. I read it again a few years ago while serving at First Baptist Church of Oneonta, Alabama. As I look back, I have read this book at critical pivot points in my ministry. The result was a renewed passion for Christ. I pray this be the case again.

In the past few years, I have passed this book on to several of my close friends. In giving them this book, I had only one requirement: they were to write notes, thoughts, underline key sentences, etc. After reading the book, they passed it on to someone else. When I received my copy back, it was filled with the thoughts and notes of five different people. The result is amazing. As I am reading it for the third time, I am finding the thoughts and notes of my friends to be just as refreshing as the book itself. What a heritage!

Why Revival Tarries is a classic on revival. But more than that, it is a challenge and call to repentance for our lack of desire for the glory of God. Ravenhill is convicting about the lack of the glory of God in our churches. His words are a judgment on the modern church, especially churches in the United States. Could it be that we have really strayed so far away from God? Could it be that we have exchanged the glory of God for the gluttony of materialism? Have we allowed politics to usurp the preaching of the Gospel in our pulpits? Have we allowed being a follower of Christ to be reduced to social status rather than a call to die to ourselves? Is it possible that God may cry, "Ichabod, the glory is gone!" over many churches?

If we are honest, especially in the United States, we are dangerous close to hearing God cry, "Ichabod!" Why? I believe our passion has grown cold. Our baptismal waters are stagnant. Our preaching has become powerless. Our prayers have become nothing more than wish-lists. Our pews are full, but our altars are empty.

What is the answer? Listen to Ravenhill: "Preacher, if your soul is barren, if tears are absent from your eyes, if converts are absent from your altar, then take no comfort in your popularity; refuse the consolation of your degrees or of the books you have read written! Sincerely, but passionately invite the Holy Spirit to plague your heart with grief because you are spiritually unable to bring to birth. Oh, the reproach of our barren altars!"

We need the Holy Spirit to plague our hearts with such grief that we cannot continue in our current spiritual state. We must be stricken deep within our hearts. We must be broken. We must repent!

God, grieve my heart! Break my spirit! Renew my passion!

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